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Contact Us

Confidential help and information about sex addiction can be obtained by texting or calling the Puget Sound SAA help line: 331-303-2077. Please leave a message, and an SAA member will respond as soon as possible.

Meeting or Web Page Update Request Form

To request a meeting change on the Meetings page or another web page on this website, fill out the form below:

Since the form is not working correctly, a volunteer with Puget Sound SAA is working to fix it. In the meantime, for Meeting page or other web page edits, please send an email to the address below with your requested edit:

Puget Sound SAA Intergroup

The Puget Sound SAA Intergroup meets once a month on the first Monday of each month (some exceptions may apply, like we won’t meet on Labor Day, the first Monday of September), from 7pm to 8pm Pacific Time. This meeting is also subject to change, so please check this page. The meetings are open to all Puget Sound area SAA members via video conference by:

The next Puget Sound SAA Intergroup meeting will be:

  • Monday, March 3, 2025 from 7pm to 8pm Pacific Time

Puget Sound SAA Area Contacts

International Contacts

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